Customer: Ventura County Waterworks District No.8
Title: : Los Angeles Ave Water Line Replacement Project; Specification No. SV13-27
Address: Los Angeles Ave from Madera Rd to Sinaloa Simi Valley, CA
Description: Paving, Concrete, Fiber optics
Customer: City of Palmdale
Title: 35th St. east Stom Drain; Project No.631
Address: 35th St from Palmdale Blvd. to Ave Q., Palmdale CA
Description: Construction of Storm drain System
Customer: County of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works Constructions Div.
Title: Brandon St ET,AL; Project ID No.RDC0015757
Address: Brandon St & Madre St. (Vicinty of East Pasadena
Description: : Paving, Concrete, Grading
Customer: County of Ventura
Title: Santa Clara Bike Lanes; ; Specification No. RD13-08
Address: Santa Clara Ave Oxnard CA. (From Central Ave to Los Angeles Ave)
Description: Paving, Concrete, Grading, Striping, micro-surfacing
Customer: Sundt Construction Inc.
Title: CSUCI West Project # CI 125 (Job No.131448)
Address: One University Drive Camarillo, CA.
Description: Earthwork, Grading
Customer: Oxnard Harbor District
Title: Arcturus Station Paving and Lighting Improvement
Address: 5851 Arcturus Ave. Port Hueneme,CA.93044
Description: : Asphalt Paving, Grinding
Customer: Oakwood Communities. Inc.
Title: Wagon Wheel Family Apartment Spine Rd (Job#600-43-011)
Address: Cactus Rd. Oxnard, CA
Description: Driveways. A.C. Pavement, Curb & Gutter, Sidewalk, Striping & Signage & Handicap Ramps, And Hardscape
Customer: City of San Buenaventura
Title: Waterline Replacement Harbor Blvd. project; Specification No. 2012-025
Address: Harbor Blvd. (Between Sanjon Rd. and Monmouth Way
Description: Replacement of waterline
Customer: City of Burbank
Title: Bid Schedule No.1388- Sidewalk Project (Zones 9-13)
Address :Various Locations Burbank CA.
Description: Paving, Concrete, Grading
Customer: Shapell Industries, Inc. dba S&S Construction Company
Title: Tract 50508 (Water System)
Address: Sesnon St & Mason ave., Porter Ranch CA
Description: Water System
Customer: Shapell Industries, Inc. dba S&S Construction Company
Title: Tract 50507-01 (Street Improvement/Temporary A.C Road)
Address: Sesnon St & Mason ave., Porter Ranch CA
Description: Street Improvements
Customer: Hearthstone Multi-Asset Entity C.L.P.
Title: Heritage Valley Park- Grading Project
Address: Mountain View St.& Edgewood dr
Description: Grading
Customer: City of Simi Valley
Title: Fiscal Year 2012-13 Annual Major Street Rehabilitation Program
Address: Erringer Rd. Between Cochran & Royal Ave. Simi Valley, CA
Description: Paving, Concrete, Fiber optics
Customer: City of Thousand Oaks
Title: Erbes Road Improvements
Address: Erbes Rd. Between Thousand Oaks Blvd. and Falmouth St. Thousand Oaks, Ca
Description: Paving, Concrete, Grading, Retaining Walls, Storm Drain, Undergrounding Overhead Utilities
Customer: S&S Homes
Title: Tract 50508
Address: Sesnon and Mason Ave. Porter Ranch, CA
Description: Concrete, Paving, Sewer, Water
Customer: Staples Construction
Title: Los Feliz Affordable Housing
Address: Los Feliz Dr. Thousand Oaks, CA
Description: On-site & Off-site concrete & paving, Grading, Underground Utilities
Customer: The New Home Company
Title: Villa Metro Tract 62322
Address: Soledad Canyon Rd. Santa Clarita, CA
Description: Paving, Concrete
Customer: HBE Corporation
Title of Job: Community Memorial Hospital
Address: 147 Brent St., Ventura, CA
Description of Work: Excavation Grading & Site Preparation
Customer: Hearthstone Multi-Asset Entity
Title of Job: Heritage Valley Park
Address: Various Locations, Fillmore, CA
Description of Work: Grading, Wet & Dry Utility Installation
Customer: Chadmar Development Company
Title of Job: Haskell's Landing
Address: Hollister Ave. & Las Armas, Goleta, CA
Description of Work: Grading
Customer: Shapell Industries, Inc. dba S&S Construction Company
Title of Job: Aldea Models Parking Lot, Tract #53783
Address: Aldea, Porter Ranch, CA
Description of Work: Asphalt Paving
Customer: Shapell Industries, Inc. dba S&S Construction Company
Title of Job: Aldea@Porter Ranch
Address: Aldea, Porter Ranch, CA
Description of Work: Street Improvements